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  • About HTTPS

Where innovation connects people

A collaboration between MTC and NUST

Through a 51-million-dollar partnership, NUST and MTC have undertaken thirteen research projects under an existing 5-year Memorandum of Understanding. The majority of these multidisciplinary projects are in collaboration with the Faculties of Computing and Informatics; Health and Applied Sciences; and Engineering. 

Meeting Goal 9 of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals

The Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation, Hon Dr Itah Kandjii-Murangi, highlighted that the inauguration of the HTTPS facility aids in addressing Goal 9 of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. “The HTTPS speaks directly to the fostering of innovation through the transfer of technology and knowledge between higher education institutions, business and various development partners.  The aim is to ensure that technological and scientific developments are available to a wider audience. This anchors the University as a vital centre of competence to assist in tackling social challenges and drive economic growth,” she said.

Our Aim

To improve competitiveness through trans-disciplinary research, co-creation, and transfer of specialised knowledge and technology aligned with signature programmes.

Our Mission

To enable open accelerated innovation for local relevance, regional impact and global recognition.

Our Approach

To work in tandem with companies and development partners to push the frontiers of knowledge, and become a powerful engine for innovation and economic growth.